The Pros And Cons Of One Size Cloth Diapers
The availability of one-size cloth diapers is on the rise. More and more cloth diapering manufacturers are coming out with one-size versions of cloth diapers. Now there are one-size all in one diapers, one-size pocket diapers, one-size fitted diapers, one-size prefolds, and one-size diaper covers.
So what are the advantages to purchasing one-size diapers? One-size diapers mean you do not have to purchase several different sizes so you will be saving money. Considering the cost of an all in one or pocket diaper is close to you will save a great deal by only purchasing one size. One-size diapers typically fit a wide range of sizes so it is a good choice for families with two children in diapers.
What are the disadvantages? Since one-size diapers typically range between 6 and 35 lbs they typically don't offer as good of a fit as a sized cloth diaper. They usually work best when your baby is not on either end of the size range. So if a one sized diaper says it fits from 6-35 lbs it will likely fit at 6 lbs, but it may be bulky. It will also likely fit at 35 lbs, but your toddler may need extra absorbency added. Another disadvantage of a one-size diaper is that they get used everyday over a longer period of time than sized diapers. Depending on the brand used, the way they are washed, or the length of time used a one-size diaper may not last for more than one or two children.
Some popular one-size diaper options are: BumGenius Organic Cotton One-Size Cloth Diaper, Kissaluvs Marvels One Size All in One Cloth Diaper, BumGenius 3.0 Pocket Diaper, Fuzzi Bunz One Size Pocket Diaper with Hip Snap, Kissaluvs Marvels One Size Fitted Diapers, and Flip One Size Diaper Covers. Whatever you chose you can be sure to find a world of cloth diapering options available at
Thanks Mama offers a wide selection of cloth diapers, cloth diaper accessories, natural baby products, bibs, and wooden toys.
The Flip system by the makers of Bum Genius is a 3 part cloth diaper system. A cover, a stay dry insert, an organic prefold insert, and an option of using disposable inserts,
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