Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit, 8-15 Pounds
- We have put together an economical, easy and environmentally friendly starter kit that completely removes the guesswork from choosing a cloth diaper system
- Our luxurious organic cotton prefolds are such a truly economical cloth diaper system that you can start diapering right away without a big outlay of cash
- This deluxe cloth diapering system in its bright and pretty box is so tempting and so practical too that you will not be able to resist taking it home ? for your own baby, your grandchild, or as a shower gift
Introducing the organic cotton diaper kit, a value packed box of cloth diapering essentials with everything you need to start using cloth diapers now! You don’t need to be cloth diaper savvy in order to appreciate it - but if you are, you will really love our beautiful new boxed kit. Flushable liners and our step-by-step guide to no-fuss cloth diapering make it easy for you. No rinsing, no pins, no stuffing and no big deal to wash this cloth diaper system. And you can call our toll free help l
List Price: $ 169.00
Price: $ 164.00
- Review by B. R. Bliss for Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit, 8-15 Pounds
My son has not had a messy leak since we started using these. I put him in disposables one time after buying cloth and the diaper basically exploded as soon as he had a movement. I have only used a disposable once since then and it was for half an hour while his diaper covers were drying.
These are fantastic. - Review by Jennifer Peacock for Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit, 8-15 Pounds
I had never even seen a baby in cloth diapers before, but I wanted to start, so I ordered this kit. It has 36 unbleached prefolds, 6 diaper covers, 2 rolls of flushable liners, and an instruction book. The book is great - shows you step by step what you need to do to wash, use, and store the dirty diapers. You have to wash the prefold diapers 3 times before using - they get a lot smaller and softer as they go through the wash and dry cycles. I've been so happy with their absorbancy, ease of use, and cost. Even my husband was pleasantly surprised by how easy the switch was (this is our 3rd child and the first 2 were all disposables). When you think of a pack of diapers costing , this kit is pretty cheap. We may "upgrade" to the all-in-one diapers as our newborn gets larger and outgrows the covers(she's only 8 weeks old and 11 lbs.), but for the next couple of months, this is all we need. I would recommend them for anyone thinking of moving to cloth to "go green" and save some money. - Review by Marcy L. Vanderark for Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit, 8-15 Pounds
I feel so good using cloth diapers versus disposable. These Bummis wraps were a little big to begin with and the velcro worn out just as my daughter grew out of them. I had planned on using the wraps through more than one child when I invested the $$$. - Review by S. Stephens for Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit, 8-15 Pounds
We've decided to cloth diaper our Little One. After lots of research, this seemed like the best choice for us. In addition to prefolds of course, I'm rounding out our stash with All in ones, fitteds, all in twos and wool covers. This was the best choice for us economically for prefolds. Not only did we get most of what we need in one box, we get it from a reliable company with a great reputation. We chose the unbleached prefold kit which I think is better for our baby. I least I feel better using it on her.
If you plan on cloth diapering full time, I would suggest adding to this kit once you know what you like but for basic diapering, this kit has all you need. It comes with directions and tips. Glad I purchased it. - Review by mommy of boys for Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit, 8-15 Pounds
This is a great kit for those wanting to cloth diaper. I had bought this having no clue what I was looking for and was very pleased. I have used these from the beginning and are well loved. I did find that 36 prefolds is MORE than enough. I wash every 2-3 days and never ran out of prefolds or covers for my baby. I did however, purchase some thirsties covers, so I could have a variety of colors! The prefolds are also unbleached indian prefolds and super soft and fluffy!!
Now that my LO is about to outgrow these, I have been using the prefolds inside the BG and fuzzi bunz diapers as inserts, especially overnight with no added bulkiness. These prefolds have gotten plenty of use and more than paid for themselves!
Also do practice a variety of folds. The fold in the Bummis directions is designed more for a girl with the added absorbancy in the middle. For a boy you want to fold up the front and do an angel wing fold to have more absorbancy in the front. I have noticed when I do the fold in the directions teh diapers are soaked very quickly and when I do teh angel fold they aren't soaked through...so do practice.
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