Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cloth Diaper Covers - Do They Really Protect Leaks?

cloth diaper cover

Cloth Diaper Covers - Do They Really Protect Leaks?

Indeed, a cloth diaper cover is a waterproof or water-resistant cover that goes above flat, prefold, contour or fitted diapers to secure in moisture and help avoid messy leaks. A good quality diaper cover fits smoothly around the legs for utmost leak protection and is stress-free to put on and take off. Cloth diaper covers are most atimes made from waterproof PUL (polyurethane laminate), high-quality polyester fleece, or wool.
PUL covers are very widely held since they are lightweight, do not add a lot of bulk, and dry very fast. Fleece diaper covers are admired for their smooth fit and because they are very breathable.
In addition to difference in levels of absorbency, diaper covers run the gamut in style, from basic to fancy. Some are pull-ups, while others fasten with snaps or Velcro tabs, and moreover, they do come in lots of colors and patterns. When the weather is warm enough, a lot of parents allow their babies play around in diaper covers, this moreover makes for quicker changing.
At this moment, there is a cloth diapering solution for just about any kind of family out there. Be it that you are searching for the least expensive, easiest, the hippest, the most practical, or the quick on the go solution, you have options.
In fact, most parents do not figure out a system that works fine for them until they spend their cloth diaper budget on 5 assorted systems. So what is the best way to start deciding what cloth diaper cover is suitable for you? Take a look at them, feel them, get to actually see what they are before you acquire them.
Indeed, they can be reused two or three times before they need to be absolutely cleaned. All you need do is to just wipe the inside with a damp cloth. They are also relatively less expensive.

Obinna Heche, who lives in California, USA, is an acknowledged author and a well known expert on diaper accessories. Visit his site at Cloth Diaper Covers for more details.

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