FuzziBunz One Size Diaper, Buttercream, 10-45 Pounds
- Stuff and go convenience - the pocket design allows you to cusomize the absorbancy based on baby's needs
- Most economical cloth diapering choice since diaper fits baby from birth to potty training
- Durable fabric makes for easy wash and wear
- Comes with set of easy replace elastic to further extend the life of your diaper
- 1 year warranty
The FuzziBunz® One-Size Diapers are the most adjustable and innovative one-size cloth diapers on the market today! Adjust the diapers to fit babies 7-35 pounds and get a snug fit every time with the button-adjusted waist and leg casings. The leg casings adjust to 8+ settings and the waist adjusts to 4+ settings. Never before has a pocket-style cloth diaper been SO adjustable! And the great thing about FuzziBunz® is that they always use sturdy snap closures which will withstand 3+ years of use
List Price: $ 19.95
Price: $ 19.95
- Review by Elizabeth for FuzziBunz One Size Diaper, Buttercream, 10-45 Pounds
We tried fuzzi bunz one size diapers, kissaluvs fitted diapers, fuzzi bunz xs, small, and medium perfect size diapers, bum genius all in one, one size organic snap diapers, and the bum genius 3.0 one size pocket diaper with velcro and the fuzzi bunz one size was our favorite. I don't have any particular comment on the "Apple Green" version. We have the color and it is a fun bright color that doesn't fade. On FB one size, in general:
The Pros:
-First, obviously, we like it because we don't have to buy a whole new set of diapers for each size. Our son has worn these since he was a few weeks old and is still wearing them at eight months. The adjustable elastic is very convenient and only has to be adjusted every once in a while and it doesn't bunch up like the bum genius that only has three different levels. The notches in the elastic make the fit much more customized for the baby.
-We much prefer the snaps to the velcro on the bum genius because you always know where to snap the diaper so that it isn't too tight or too loose.
-We prefer the pocket to the all in one because it seems like they get more clean this way (you can separate them for the wash), you can adjust the absorbency based on size and time (night or day), and they dry faster this way which is especially important if you are line drying. That said, we also prefer the pocket to the fitteds with a cover - more convenient.
-Even though our son would fit in the medium perfect size, the one size fits better. I think they often fit better than the "perfect" size.
The Cons:
-We generally like these, but the later versions (we have some of the first ones and some later versions) have one less snap and at eight months they already seem to be getting a little bit tight on our boy who has a round tummy and chunky legs. I wish they would go back to the extra snap. Also, the first ones didn't have the hip snap which worked better for us. It makes it too tight around his chubby legs when we do the hip snap.
-We have had some problems with leaking. I've taken to stripping them more regularly, and I'm sure this would be the case with most cloth diapers, but it is sort of a hassle.
-It would be nice if there were more designs for the one-size. Currently only solids and daisies.
-The white ones end up looking a little discolored, so I would go with a colored one.
-The earlier versions had smaller holes for the elastic and the ends didn't slip out. The later versions had bigger holes and sometimes the end of the elastic slips out which can be annoying and leave little marks on his legs.
All of that said, we have 24 of these one sizes and like them better than any of the others we've tried. For our next baby, we'll use only these, with maybe a few small "perfect size" diapers early on. - Review by E. Karr for FuzziBunz One Size Diaper, Buttercream, 10-45 Pounds
One of the best things about this diaper is that it washes nicely and dries quickly. I only need to put it on a drying rack outside for a couple of hours, which saves a lot on electricity. And stains disappear with just a few hours in the sun. I like the sturdiness of the snaps and the stretchy waterproof cover, which contains messes well. The diaper feels soft on the outside and inside. I use Allen's Naturally detergent and haven't had any leaking.
Note that that the diaper is meant for "10-45 pounds" and will be huge on most newborns as well as bad for the healing of the umbilical cord (since the diaper covers it and could keep it from drying out). The only other major concern I have about Fuzzibunz is that the inside of the diaper seems to get really warm and moist due to it being made of fleece. The fleece makes it difficult to tell if the diaper is wet (unless you stick your finger in the diaper), and I worry that the baby will get overheated with wearing fleece in the summer. Also, because of the thickness of the diaper, I can't stick a new diaper under the dirty diaper to catch accidents when I change her (like I do with disposables).
A final suggestion for new cloth diapering parents - when we first came home from the hospital after using disposables, the thought of using cloth was daunting. I suggest having some disposables to use for the first few weeks while the umbilical cord dries out. The adjustment to caring for a newborn and the exhaustion can be overwhelming, so be flexible and make it easier on yourself during this initial adjustment period. When you are ready, take some time to figure out what size to adjust the elastics to (the sizing chart was very helpful). What I did was adjust a few diapers to different sizes and try them on to find the best fit (as it turned out, the sizing suggestion on the package was right on for me). Then set aside a time to stuff and adjust all the rest of your Fuzzibunz to the size that works. Line them up or stack them in a drawer so that they are ready to go. That way, you are not overwhelmed while the baby is crying and needs changing. - Review by K. Harms for FuzziBunz One Size Diaper, Buttercream, 10-45 Pounds
Fuzzibunz are a high quality pocket diaper. My daughter has fewer diaper rash problems because the pocket style diaper keeps her dry. These diapers also contain all of her messes, and they are a true one size diaper. She's been using diapers since she was about 10 pounds and now at 23 pounds, they still fit well.
We had the old style fuzzibunz and had some mild "around the leg" leaking (because she is a heavy wetter). We solved the problem by using a doubler and more frequent diaper changes. The new improved Fuzzibunz just arrived last week and the inserts are more trim and they have added an additional fourth hip snap.
We love the snaps on these diapers because my daughter cannot remove the diaper herself, and they are more durable. They should easily last through another baby (or two). I also love the BumGenius 3.0, but I will have to replace the velcro if I want to use the diapers with a second child.
I did have the PUL (waterproofing layer) fail on three of my diapers. There were slight tears in the material. But the customer service replied to my e-mail promptly, helped me fill out the necessary information, and they sent replacement diapers quickly at no extra charge. Their excellent customer service is the main reason why I am giving them a five star rating. - Review by Ostou23 for FuzziBunz One Size Diaper, Buttercream, 10-45 Pounds
Wonderful diaper. Very high-quality and very soft. There are 3 places on each side to make adjustments and once you get it set you don't need to mess around with it until your baby needs more room. Well worth the investment. Will pay for itself in no time since you can use it all the way through potty training. I hang-dry mine and throw the inserts into the dryer. - Review by mary ellen pleasant for FuzziBunz One Size Diaper, Buttercream, 10-45 Pounds
Ok...so i have had my fuzzibunz for about 3 weeks now......
about 3 months ago....i bought 3 different brands of pocket diapers to try out...this was my second go round with cloth diapers....in the early months of motherhood i tried the prefolds and the thirsties and hated it...my babys bottom was always sitting in a cold wet rag.....
but after a demonstration at a cloth diaper store i decided to give the pocket diapers a try......out of the 3 initial brands i tried...i loved fuzzibunz....so i decided to invest in a total of 14 diapers that get washed about every 2-2.5 days or so......
i absolutely loved them at first.....babys bottom stayed unbelievable dry.....i was amazed...
now 3-4 weeks later it is not as much so....i notice now that when i change his diaper his skin is moist...not as bad as prefolds....but on the same level as a disposable.....which in my book is not ok considering you cant use any oils to protect babys bottom when using the fuzzibunz......
at night or during long naps he leaks......its not like a disposable diaper leak where it seems the pee will just run out.....more like an overall seep that leaves the bed damp...and i cant figure out where it exactly the leak is coming from because the cover seems dry to me....this is irregardless of how many pads/doublers i use......
i have tried stripping them and i dont see a difference.....
so i use a disposable at night.....that way the moisture gets absorbed and i can load his bottom up on oil to protect him from getting irritated....
i havent given up though and will call the company to get recommendations.....if anything changes then i will change my rating....
overall i dont regret my purchase and will continue to use them...
-baby seems to like it and feels comfortable...i suppose...
-not bulky like prefolds
-no more trashbags full of diapers to throw away
-no more trips to the store for diapers which = no more $ down the drain...or i should say in the trash
-looks cute on
-easy to use and take care of--a tbsp of rockin green soap and baking soda and they are clean and fresh and out on in the sun to bleach
-good snaps--at 5 months baby took a liking to pulling off his diapers and putting them on his head when he woke up from his naps...which means that anything with velco is off and flapping in the wind
-cleaning off poop ( which is unavoidable with cloth...but i have to say it...i hate this step)
emailed about the leak/repelling issue....
the automated suggestion from fuzzibunz was as follows:
1) try using OXYCLEANbaby with the detergent:
i use rockin' green already....used the oxyclean.....i didnt really notice a difference....
2) if OXYCLEAN doesnt work then use a drop of dawn and a toothbrush and scrub each diaper then run a regular cycle without detergent:
i tried this and it worked......i was happy again....until the next washing.....i didnt scrub thinking that i would only have the do the dawn thing every so often....NOPE...i was wrong......the diapers went back to repelling liquid......so the next washing i tried soaking overnight in oxyclean after running an initial rinse cycle to get any initial debris off......after the soak i ran my usual cycle: cold prewash, hot wash, cold rinse, extra rinse.......it was a little better but still not completely working....so the next washing i dawn scrubbed...and voila....back in business...........so it seems if i truly want the absorbency that initially made me fall in love with fuzzibunz....then i will have to scrub EACH DIAPER with dawn EACH time....thats a lot of work.
so i will keep my rating as a 3 star.
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