Saturday, October 23, 2010

Baby Einstein?

Question by Momof1: Baby Einstein?
My 11 month old son loves to watch Baby Einstein movies. We usually start the morning out this way. It keeps him occupied while I get the house up and running, breakfast, packing diaper bag, myself ready, clothes for him ect. My husband read in our local newspaper that children who watch Baby Einstein and like movies, are showing on average a lower ranged vocabulary. It kinda makes sense because they don't use words, just music and sound. I feel like what is "good" for your child changes everyday. What do you think? Has anyone else heard anything about this?

Best answer:

Answer by Kathryn T
I've heard the same thing. My son loved to watch baby einstein and now watches little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse club house, and whatever else is on. He has learned how to start counting, some colors, manors, and he is even talking better now. They really pay attention to what is going on and learn more than we think on TV. I don't think a few shows in the morning will hurt him. Just don't let him become like mine and watch in for 3 hours in the moring before he will do anything else. It's a hard habbit to break!

What do you think? Answer below!
  • Sarah K says:
    My daughter loved the baby Einsteins movies. She would watch one (30 minute) a day. Her vocabulary is way beyond her age. I don't think it's the movies that affect children's language. i believe it depends on how much you talk ot them.
    My daughter is 2 years old and can speak in 5-6 word sentences. When we went to the dr for her 2 year appointment, they asked if she knew 20 words and i laughed. Those movies helped her identify animals and colors.
    Just don't keep your son in front of the tv for hours!
  • Tyana says:
    They say that children under two years of age should not be exposed to TV for learning purposes. But come on who has 24 hours a day to pay 100% of there time to they child! I let my son be exposed tv since he was born mainly so he didn't get starteled everytime the tv was playing. But you should just let your child watch movies about abc's and numbers and colors and shapes. Walmart has one dollar movies by the check out lanes called colors, shapes, abc's, and 123's. They are kinda old low budget films but they work!!! My son is now three and he is top of his preschool class he knows just about as much as a five or six year old, if not more thanks to reading alot of books and those movies.
  • cobramommy says:
    It has nothing to do with the videos. The problem is, parents are plopping their kids in front of the tv and expecting it to teach them language skills. The videos are fine as long as they are not a substitute for you! Babies crave adult interaction and attention. Keep letting him watch the videos - just make sure he has plenty of adult conversation with you - no baby talk!! The more you talk to him, the faster, and better, his language comprehension will develop.
  • suegri21 says:
    I have hope you. My daughter started watching these at 9 months. She now just turned 3 last month. She can count to 20 in English, 10 in Spanish, knows all ABC, Knows 30 words in Spanish, All shapes and colors, Animals, she was tested this last week at the level of a 5 year old. She has a structured TVtime. If used as an educational tool TV is great. It is being used too much as a babysitter, and if that is what you are oing then yes it will dimenitious his learning. Limit how much he watches and make sure what he watches is age appropiate. These Baby Einstien tapes and DVD are designed for different ages. Give him a variety of them that way he is not just watching the same one all the time. I hope this helps you.
  • shannonmangan says:
    Yeah and that is crap it depends on the child and how you interact with them while they are watching. My daughter had all of the Baby Einstein videos and watched could hold a conversation with the child at 18 months old. My son is 20 months old and says like 5 words and has never watched any of those vidoes.....he is not interested. My daughter watched them and I also sat with her while she watched them and interacted with her. Just because some children who watch those shows have a low ranged vocabulary does not mean it was because of those videos it has to do with other things also. My daughter at 18 months could sing the chorus to Ciara's 1-2-step and now at 3 her vocabulary is way more advanced then anyone else in her preschool class. I sat through a few of her classes last year and it was amazing to listen to her talk compared to the other kids who are the same age she is. It is very frustrating now with my son because when my daughter was his age I could have a conversation with her and there was never a question of her wanting something and not being able to tell us or anything like that. TV is not what is hurting kids but for some reason it's easier to blame something or somebody else.

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