How to Get Started with Cloth Diapers
To cloth diaper full-time, you'll need approximately 12-18 diapers a day, with either a built-in waterproof layer or separate covers. Separate covers do not need to be changed unless soiled, so you can get by on about 3 per day. For newborn covers, you may want to have a few extra.
If you're looking to cloth diaper a newborn full-time from Day 1, the best advice is to begin purchasing in advance so that you'll have everything ready. Keep in mind that you don't have to go all or nothing. Start with a small variety before you purchase a larger amount of the ones you like best. Try cloth diapers at home during the day, and expand your usage to nights and outings over time as you gain confidence in your diapers.
If you want to start out full-time but don't have the funds to buy 2-3 days worth of your favorite style, consider temporarily bulking up your stash with cheaper alternatives and/or washing every day. Remember, every time you use a cloth diaper, you are saving money, saving environmental resources, lessening your child's total chemical exposure, etc.
Helpful Accessories (and ways to get by without if necessary)
--dry pail
Just an empty container to hold used diapers. A lid is optional, if kept out of reach.
--pail liner
Made of the same material as diaper covers, these keep your pail clean and can be washed with the diapers.
--wet bags
Just like a pail liner, but small enough to travel with your wet diapers safely zipped inside. Usually has a decorative outer layer.
--diaper sprayer
This mini-shower hooks to your toilet's water supply line and removes poop from diapers quickly and thoroughly.
This little invention holds a diaper in place with little plastic teeth instead of pins. Works great for getting a snug fit with a prefold.
All of the inventions above are well worth it in terms of convenience. However, you can get by using plastic grocery bags to hold your used diapers, using other methods to remove poop (see above), and using a wrap cover to hold your unpinned prefolds in place.
Kara Piper is an attached mother of four children, doula and La Leche League Leader who is passionate about cloth diapering and babywearing. She's also the owner of Mom & Baby Naturally, an online boutique. For more expert advice visit her website at
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